
Graphic with a circle divided into three equal parts, labeled Positive Narrative, Safety, and Guidelines, encompassed by a circle labeled StrategyStrategy is at the center of the Framework for Successful Messaging because it serves as the foundation for all message content. You’ll increase your chances of success by starting with a clear idea of what you want messages to accomplish, your audience(s), what action you want them to take, and how you’ll get the message out,

Once the strategy is set, consider the other 3 Framework components to guide content:

  • Make sure messaging is Safe by avoiding content that may encourage suicidal behavior among vulnerable individuals or undermine prevention goals.
  • Convey a Positive Narrative by including actions, solutions, resiliency, resources, and/or prevention successes in your messages.
  • Follow any specific Guidelines that apply to your particular message (e.g. topic, channels, etc.)