Note: these resources are specific to the Strategy component of the Framework. See also Safety resources, Positive Narrative resources, and message-specific Guidelines.
Planning Guides
Making Health Communication Programs Work, aka the “Pink Book” (National Cancer Institute)
Developing a Plan for Communication (Community Tool Box)
Strategic Communications Workbook for Garrett Lee Smith Grantees
Creating and Implementing a Communications Plan: A Step-by-Step Approach (Tribal Youth Program Training and Technical Assistance Center)
Planning Tools
Communications Plan Template and Sample Plan (Kellogg Foundation)
Webinars and Presentations
- The SPRC page on Strategic Communication Planning for Garrett Lee Smith grantees lists SPRC recent webinars and presentations on communications planning.
Additional Resources
CDC’s Gateway to Communication Practice and Social Marketing
Guide to Choosing and Adapting Culturally and Linguistically Competent Health Promotion Materials